4001, rue Berri, # 105,
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2L 4H2

Mardi- vendredi 10h à 17h
Tuesdays-Fridays 10 to 5



Victoria Stanton

Nous contacter pour les tarifs / Contact us for prices $0.00

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Performance    Quebec            2001    English            0:18:00           

A trilogy of short videos based on texts that were initially written for the one-woman stage show, Split. "Golden List" questions the politics of jobs, 'work' and the notion of constant production by situating perpetual motion at the forefront, while the voice-over pontificates on the role that artistic practice plays within the rubrics of 'work'.

"Je Mens" explores the nature of storytelling, the inherent fictionalization in the telling of the story and the story as a means to bind or bury oneself in one's self-perceived idea of the 'truth'. Disclosure, flow and transformation are the major pre-occupations of "Salt in the wound". The main figure, seen to slowly unravel her exterior self, sets herself adrift, moving alone in an unknown direction (away from her past?)  and then leading others along with her, to join her on her uncharted journey.    


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