4001, rue Berri, # 105,
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2L 4H2

Mardi- vendredi 10h à 17h
Tuesdays-Fridays 10 to 5



Gun Holmstrom

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Experimental                Finland      2003           No dialogue                  0:04:30                                                   

The text is based on censored sections from "Unknown Soldier" (1954), a novel by the Finnish author Väinö Linna. "Unknown Soldier" describes the time when Finland was at war with the Soviet Union (1941-44). It is the most read book in Finland. I have changed the text a bit, to make it ‘fit’ in the woman’s mouth, and to give the impression that she could be speaking of her own life, perhaps of an impending divorce. It is fascinating me that the text was something that could not be published for political reasons not so very long ago. - G. Holmstromà


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Date limite/deadline 07/04/2025

Le GIV est à la recherche d'œuvres récentes (2023-2025) d'une durée maximale de 8 minutes pour notre projection annuelle. GIV is accepting submissions of recent videos (2023-2025) with running times of 8 minutes or less for our yearly screening.


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