4001, rue Berri, # 105,
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2L 4H2

Mardi- vendredi 10h à 17h
Tuesdays-Fridays 10 to 5

BIO : Silvana Afram

Silvana Afram lives and works in Sao Paulo, Brazil.Video artist since 1983. Very involved in AIDS prevention campaigns aimed at women. Researcher and editor for magazines and community groups. Has given video workshops.in Canada, Mexico and Brazil. Works on relations between different signifiers -verbal and non-verbal. Awards: 3e Festival Latino Américain de vidéo à Quito; Festival international du nouveau cinéma et de la vidéo de Montréal; Video Mulher de Brasili; Festival da Terra de Sao Paulo.

Silvana Afram lives and works in Sao Paulo, Brazil.Video artist since 1983. Very involved in AIDS prevention campaigns aimed at women. Researcher and editor for magazines and community groups. Has given video workshops.in Canada, Mexico and Brazil. Works on relations between different signifiers -verbal and non-verbal. Awards: 3e Festival Latino Américain de vidéo à Quito; Festival international du nouveau cinéma et de la vidéo de Montréal; Video Mulher de Brasili; Festival da Terra de Sao Paulo.
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2025 :
Opening January 7th
Réouverture le 7 janvier

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