BIO : Rita Mabel Maio
Rita Mabel Maio, Argentine filmmaker, dedicated her professional life to the documentary films, and more recently, to art video.
She has been acknowledged with scholarships from the Arts National Fund (Argentina), the Ibermedia Program and the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, and the Artists and Technicians of the Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación (Argentina), among others. Several of her works have received prizes and subventions of The Japan Foundation Film Production, UNESCO, Jan Vrijman Fund and the Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales, INCAA.
Her films and videos have been selected and have won awards in several International Film Festivals: ºPrize of the Documentary Videos & Films Festival 2001, La Havana, Lléida, Cartagena, Zaragoza Women International Film Festival, Mar del Plata, World Film Festival and Festivalissimo, both in Montreal, Canada.
She has been acknowledged with scholarships from the Arts National Fund (Argentina), the Ibermedia Program and the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, and the Artists and Technicians of the Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación (Argentina), among others. Several of her works have received prizes and subventions of The Japan Foundation Film Production, UNESCO, Jan Vrijman Fund and the Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales, INCAA.
Her films and videos have been selected and have won awards in several International Film Festivals: ºPrize of the Documentary Videos & Films Festival 2001, La Havana, Lléida, Cartagena, Zaragoza Women International Film Festival, Mar del Plata, World Film Festival and Festivalissimo, both in Montreal, Canada.