BIO : Julia Antivilo
Historienne, chercheuse, conservatrice et artiviste de la performance transféministe (Chili, 1974). Elle a écrit les livres ; Entre lo sagrado y lo profano se escriben rebeldías. Arte feminista Latinoamericano (2015) et Belén de Sárraga. Crónica de un torbellino libertario por América Latina (2021), et son dernier ouvrage coordonné est Trayectorias del pensamiento feminista en América Latina (2022). En tant qu'artiste, elle a fait partie de collectifs d'artivistes féministes au Chili et au Mexique où elle a exploré la performance, la photo-performance et la vidéo-performance. Elle appartient au Système National de Chercheurses du Mexique. Depuis sa création, de 2020 à 2023, elle a coordonnée la Chaire Rosario Castellanos d'Art et Genre de la Coordination de Diffusion Culturelle, UNAM
Historian, researcher, curator and transfeminist performance artivist (Chile, 1974). She has written the books; Between the sacred and the profane, rebellions are woven, Latin American feminist art (2015) and Belén de Sárraga, Crónica de un torbellino libertario por América Latina (2021), and her last coordinated book is Trayectorias del pensamiento feminista en América Latina (2022). As an artist she has been part of feminist artivist collectives in Chile and Mexico where she has explored performance, photo performance and video performance. She belongs to the National System of Researchers of Mexico.
She coordinated the Rosario Castellanos Chair of Art and Gender of the Cultural Diffusion Coordination, UNAM from its creation in 2020 until 2023.
Historian, researcher, curator and transfeminist performance artivist (Chile, 1974). She has written the books; Between the sacred and the profane, rebellions are woven, Latin American feminist art (2015) and Belén de Sárraga, Crónica de un torbellino libertario por América Latina (2021), and her last coordinated book is Trayectorias del pensamiento feminista en América Latina (2022). As an artist she has been part of feminist artivist collectives in Chile and Mexico where she has explored performance, photo performance and video performance. She belongs to the National System of Researchers of Mexico.
She coordinated the Rosario Castellanos Chair of Art and Gender of the Cultural Diffusion Coordination, UNAM from its creation in 2020 until 2023.