4001, rue Berri, # 105,
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2L 4H2

Mardi- vendredi 10h à 17h
Tuesdays-Fridays 10 to 5

BIO : Gun Holmstrom

Gunzi Holmström est une plasticienne et vidéaste finlandaise.
Elle est devenue connue grâce à ses portraits chaleureux des gens vivant en marge de notre société. Elle nous dévoile le monde des expériences étranges qui peuvent concerner tout le monde. La thématique de son œuvre se construit par la recherche des dimensions spirituelles et psychologiques.
Par sa création, elle a reçu l’attention internationale et ses vidéos et ses autres oeuvres d’art ont été présentés (aux) dans de nombreux festivals, musées et galeries en Europe, en Amérique et en Asie.

Gun Holmström has received critical acclaim for her video portraits that examine "the strange everyday world", that the artist sees around her. These works, shot in a style that sits somewhere between documentary film and home video, introduce us to characters that may be considered as being outside the norm of society.
In Holmström's oeuvre, the aesthetic and the ethical are one. She explores the complex web of contradictory human emotions and situations, and addresses current social and moral issues. While Holmström often starts out with very personal experiences, the essential element is the humane nature of social communication; the individual as a social and communal being remains at the core.
Gun Holmström graduated in 1993 from Turku Art Academy in Finland. She is currently studying in a 2 year MA program in "Context and Media" at Valand School of Fine Art in Gothenburg. Her video works have been exhibited in several international solo and group exhibitions. Holmström participated in the May 2003 residency with Gillian Wearing at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in Florida.

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2025 :
Opening January 7th
Réouverture le 7 janvier

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