4001, rue Berri, # 105,
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2L 4H2

Mardi- vendredi 10h à 17h
Tuesdays-Fridays 10 to 5


Kinga Araya

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Experimental     Quebec      2002    English, French, Polish       0:04:45                   

Artistical deconstruction of two politically charged texts : the Canadian National Anthem (in English and French) and the Polish one. Can a woman aspire to and acquire a perfect pronunciation of the political texts that were mainly created by men?

Three male native speakers endlessly correct a woman's foreign pronunciations of English, French and Polish. It seems that the absolute pronunciation of the national texts is represented at its best in the cacophony of three languages overlapping female and male recitations of the anthems. These nonsensical exercises of the mouths problematize the meaning of certain politically charged words.


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Date limite/deadline 07/04/2025

Le GIV est à la recherche d'œuvres récentes (2023-2025) d'une durée maximale de 8 minutes pour notre projection annuelle. GIV is accepting submissions of recent videos (2023-2025) with running times of 8 minutes or less for our yearly screening.


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