T. Kim-Trang Tran
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Essay USA 1994 English 0:17:00
Kore (Sexuality: Fear and Fantasy of Blindness; the Eye; Women and Aids) is a project which investigates the conjunction of sexuality with the eye, as purveyor of desire; the sexual fear and fantasy of blindness, with a focus on the blindfold; and women and AIDS. By considering the wearer of the blindfold as a subject, the choice to not-see is reclaimed and may embody a (female sexuality) touch-based pleasure in contrast with a (male sexuality) vision-based pleasure. This choice to not-see, could it bring the wearer a bit closer to "the little death" facilitating ecstasy for the subject?
Any engagement with sexuality today will by clarity of vision address the issue of women and AIDS, and in this context, of the institutional oversight between the majority of the population and the disease-and that this systematic disregard results in fatalities.