4001, rue Berri, # 105,
Montréal, Québec
Canada H2L 4H2

Mardi- vendredi 10h à 17h
Tuesdays-Fridays 10 to 5



Kinga Araya

Nous contacter pour les tarifs / Contact us for prices $0.00

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Performance    Quebec     2002    No dialogue/sans dialogue   0:04:30                                               

A year long documentation of a walking performance during the four seasons in Montreal’s public park. The toy-like looking prostheses are made out of maple wood and leather. These paradoxical extensions of the arms do not facilitate the bodily movements. On the contrary, they present grotesque attachments that exemplify the very impossibility of undertaking any unrestrained journey through time and space.

Walking with Arms is Kinga Araya’s fourth video based on performance with especially constructed bodily extensions. The previous ‘prosthetic’ videos are : Orthoepic Exercise, Peripatetic Exercise (both from 1998), and Exercising with Princess Headgear (Adjustable) (2000).    


Performance documentée pendant un an, sur une marche dans un parc public à Montréal. Les extensions des bras qui ressemblent à des jouets ne facilitent pas les mouvements du corps; paradoxales, ces attaches grotesques illustrent plutôt l’impossibilité de circuler librement dans l’espace et le temps.     

Quatrième vidéo de l’artiste sur des performances comprenant des extensions corporelles: Orthoepic Exercise, Peripatetic Exercise (1998), et Exercising with Princess Headgear (Adjustable) (2000)

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Date limite/deadline 07/04/2025

Le GIV est à la recherche d'œuvres récentes (2023-2025) d'une durée maximale de 8 minutes pour notre projection annuelle. GIV is accepting submissions of recent videos (2023-2025) with running times of 8 minutes or less for our yearly screening.


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