Kika Nicolela
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documentaire Corée du sud/Brésil 2014 Coréen/sous-titres français Korean/English subtitles 1:04:00
L'eau, le sol, les barques échouées déclinent leurs nuances de gris. Le ciel et ce qui reste de la mer se rejoignent. L'édification d'une longue digue-route en Corée du Sud a isolé l'île de Daebu et transformé les paysages. Un lac artificiel a été construit pour promouvoir l'industrie locale et la croissance urbaine. Le milieu maritime ne vit plus. Reste la vase.
Les habitants, des pêcheurs surtout, ont vu leur condition se détériorer. Face caméra, sobrement, ils témoignent du passé, quand ils pouvaient bénéficier des ressources des îles. Aujourd'hui, l'équilibre écologique est rompu. Les beaux plans contemplatifs des lieux sont associés aux visages graves et aux paroles lucides de ceux qui demeurent.
TIDELANDS focuses on the distinctive people and landscape of Daebu-island, located in South Korea. It shows men and women from its fishing community sharing their memories related to the sea and the islands before the construction of the Sihwa Wall. This wall - the longest tide embankment in Asia – and the homonymous artificial lake were constructed to improve the local industry and promote urban growth; however, these implementations had a huge impact in the ecological balance of these islands, and therefore over the lives of their inhabitants and traditional cultures.
Long, contemplative shots of places and elements from the islands, such as the wide mudflats, fishermen’s abandoned objects and boats, their houses in precarious state, are intertwined with images of the participants talking to the camera. The community was broken up by capitalist growth and the film allows its shattered identity to be slowly uncovered.