An Inverted System To Feel (Your Shared Agenda)

Experimental/Animation   Germany   2016   English 0:07:10

#ScienceFiction #Nanotechnology #Posthumanism

A 3D animated film on a fictional situation in which the human skin would be transformed into a touch screen. In this speculative future, tattooing luminous nanoparticles under the user’s skin would make it possible to visualize data on the surface of the body, or simply to change the color of the skin according to a certain emotional state

Marie-Eve Levasseur (*1985, Canada) lives and works in Leipzig, Germany. Her work deals with intimacy, interactions, non-human ecosystems, mediating devices as extensions and perception of language or images through screens. Using diverse forms and techniques like video, installation, sculpture and 3D animation, she questions the proximity of technological and organic surfaces in a post human context. The method she uses feeds from feminist science fiction and its emancipatory potential. Inspired by feminist thinkers, her projects use speculative fabulation; imagined situations with fictive devices, extensions for human and non-human beings that open a cross-species dialogue in order to reflect upon the way we get along in the system we live in.

Marie-Éve Levasseur (*1985, Canada) vit et travaille à Leipzig. Son travail porte sur l’intimité, les écosystèmes non humains, les extensions et la perception du langage et des images à travers les écrans. Son approche multidisciplinaire utilise divers médiums comme la vidéo, l’installation, la sculpture et l’animation 3D. Sa méthode se nourrit de science-fiction féministe et s‘inspire des écrits de Rosi Braidotti et Donna Haraway, entre autres. Ses projets font appel à la fabulation spéculative; des situations imaginées avec des dispositifs fictifs, des extensions pour les êtres humains et non humains, ouvrant un dialogue inter-espèces afin de réfléchir le système dans lequel nous vivons ainsi que nos futurs possibles.