In the time of COVID19, Coral Short & Winnie Ho (performers) invited artists to do 1-minute performances on Zoom. It was a gesture to connect with and offer self-care to artists around the world. My contribution was to document my performance. After applying white moisturizing cream, I placed a 22 cm Vietnamese rice paper sheet (previously soaked in water) on my face. This was done to hide my Asian face. I also added a medical mask until the end. The soundtrack is an edited voice off of a documentary made by INA (france) title ‘Are the French Racist?’ (1961).
kimura byol nathalie lemoine, né.e en Corée du sud, d’origine coreano-japonaise, ayant un parcours autodidacte avec un mineur en graphisme publicitaire (lettrage), se consacre au militantisme pour les droits des adopté.e.s coré et à son travail artistique. De par son parcours migratoire (d’abord forcé et puis volontaire) privilégie les thèmes des identités intersectionnelles : colorisme, post-colonialisme, genreS. Son travail a été exposé, montré, et lu localement et internationalement et soutenu par le C.A.L.Q, et le C.A.M. Si tout va bien (COVID19), son livre ’88 etc.’ sortira cette année (2020) en français chez les éditions L’Atelier des Cahiers (Corée du Sud).
kimura byol-nathalie lemoine, born in South Korea, of Korean-Japanese origins, Belgian-Canadian with a self-taught background and a Minor in Graphic Design (lettering and layout), is devoted to the activism for the rights of the Korean adoptees, as well as to zer artistic production. Because of zer migratory background (first imposed and later voluntary), the artists focuses on intersectional identities topics: colourism, post-colonialism and gender. Zer work has been exhibited, shown, and published locally and internationally and supported by the C.A.L.Q. and the C.A.M. If all goes well (COVID19), zer book ’88 etc.’ will be released this year (2020) in French by the publishing house L’Atelier des Cahiers (South Korea).