Lesbian Hand Gestures
Experimental Canada 2011 No dialogue 0:02:53
Short, Castle and Nehls carefully craft floating hands in space with their laptop computer creating surprising pleasurable effects with their mere hand movements. These classic gestures are familiar to all people who have enjoyed them but new technology brings a fantasy element to these old favourites.
Short, Castle et Nehls forgent délicatement des mains flottantes dans l’espace à l’aide de leur ordinateur portable, créant des effets délicieusement surprenants de leurs mains mouvantes. Ces gestuelles classiques, familières à toutes les personnes y ayant déjà pris plaisir, prennent un air fantaisiste grâce aux nouvelles technologies.
Coral Short was born on a beautiful island off the west coast of Canada and was raised by a lively river in the countryside where her eccentric family lived off the land. She spends a fair amount of time dispersing her magic around the globe – in the air, on railroad tracks and highways all the while curating and doing artist residencies. Coral has lived and created art in Asia, North America, and Europe for the last 15 years. She has many beloved people, communities, and locations that she calls home. Short and her countless projects move at the speed of light; ironically she is the most still when she travels.
Categories: 2010-2014, Canada, experimental, Nehls, sans dialogue / no dialogue, Short Tags: arts, identité / identity, le corps / the body, lesbiennes / lesbians, sexualité / sexuality