Le dessin chercheur

Vidéo d’art Québec 2011 français English subtitles 0:14:21

Je dessine avec une baguette pour explorer la maladresse, ou sans outil, ou sans l’aide du regard, ou encore à partir d’un récit de randonnée. J’ai voulu que les actions se succèdent avec fluidité, s’enchaînant en une arabesque-récit, et proposent une sorte de poème sur le dessin et sur les gestes et événements, souvent bien modestes, dont il conserve la trace.

This is a video about the drawing. It gives view of processes, not drawings completed. I draw with a stick to explore the awkwardness, or without tools, or without the aid of sight, or from an account of hiking. I wanted the actions follow one another smoothly, merging in an arabesque-story, and offer a kind of poem on the drawing and on the actions and events, often very modest, which he keeps track. This is a video about drawing. It presents processes, not completed drawings. I draw with a stick to explore awkwardness. I draw without tools, or without the aid of sight, or inspired by an account of hiking. I wanted the actions to follow one another smoothly, merging in an arabesque/story, and offer a kind of poem on drawing and on the actions and events, often very modest.