Experimental Quebec 2011 English 0:03:09
Une histoire de Patti Schmidt… ou encore quand le hockey peut vous transformer en lesbienne si vous ne faites pas attention!
Watch out! Hockey can make you into lesbian. A little piece of Patti Schmidt’s story.
Lamathilde’s work investigates identity through sexuality and gender using low-grade video, super 8, manipulated film footage and stop-motion animation. Sound is at the core of her practice. Her work has been shown in many galleries and international festivals, including Pink Screens – Brussels, Festival des films gais et lesbiens – Paris, London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival , Mix Festival – New York, and as well as in Germany, Italy, Holland, Philippines, Canada, Slovenia, Australia, Lebanon. Born in France, Lamathilde lives and works in Montreal. She is part of the sound-performance collective WWKA, has hosted a radio show for 5 years and is an active member of the Montreal visual arts scene.