Documentary Canada 2011 English 0:15:28
Cup U. is a short discussion about the menstrual cup. Its goal is to open up a conversation among women and not to make any fundamental or essentialist claims. Menstruation is a topic that is often taboo in the mainstream media and menstrual cups are even more unheard of. CUP U is thus an attempt to show the world that not only do women have things to say about the menstrual products they use but that the process of “saying things” period is extremely important.
Vanessa Tolkin was born and raised in Montreal and received her BA from Concordia University’s Communications program and her MA in Media Studies from The New School in New York City. Her documentary work is focused on the fluidity of the individual and the complexity of everyday relations. She places a strong emphasis on questioning the boundary between fact and fiction and takes great joy in the experimental possibilities of representation.